The battle over me'ness and singleness on top of school, work, ministry, and EVERYTHING else I have to deal with is really starting to make me reconsider some things. First of all, girls should have more than one thing going for them if you want to sit down, and actually spend time with them - face to face, in the dating world. Second, I have to get organized. I don't enjoy being a slob, and as far as prioritizing goes - I don't give myself an ounce of credit for past success in keeping tidy. I simply let things slide and say "I'll get to it AFTER my school work is completed." And by the end of the week, or whenever, there is nothing but a pile of misery to look at.
I no longer wish to say good night to the stuff that's preventing me from growing, maturing, and living a life in joy. I want to kick those things out of my life - and I know I can't do it alone. Besides seeking God, reading my Bible, and spending a lot more time in prayer, I NEED to be around people who will encourage me to make wise decisions. I'm very fortunate to be surrounded by loving people at the Anglican Chapel.
School and all it's duty calls for now.
Till next time,
Joshua here.