If you've been wondering whatever happened to that enthusiastic rambler, shooting off eyes and ears in cyberspace, you're not alone. I should put you all to the question, instead of diving further into my own enigmatic whatnots.

Between the storms, however, I love New York City and wonder why on earth it has taken me this long to a) figure that out, and b) to get my butt down there (I almost wrote "thurrr" but seemed very wrong). I cannot wait until my next adventure. Another "new" love is the oh-my-wonderful-Lord-in-Heaven (thank you (for a bite of awesomeness) - Prinzi's in Beverly... check them out!
They have the most amazing waffle fries.
So now what? The fight against human trafficking still wages, but Massachusetts is making such amazing progress with legislation! Now I'm working to partner with as many churches in the North Shore area for support (and we need tons of support in so many ways). And then there's school, ah yes, that funny thing called school. Hebrew ate my life on day one. Church History sat back and cried, and 1st Timothy did what he could. Now I'm catching up on ALL of Church History, slowly but surely, and at this stage in the game, all the work for 1st Timothy has been completed. All that remains is a long paper on monasticism (who'd ever thought I'd love this monk stuff more than sliced bread!???!) and I have a Church History final exam to cram for. Hebrew final exam is coming up nexter week. Then it's vacation. But vacation time is going to be spent working to make sure the rescue victims have a safehouse to come home to.
I'd appreciate your prayers in this effort. If you'd like to learn more... check out www.amirahboston.org and send an email to learn how you can get involved: contact.northshorecore@gmail.com - thank you!
Finally, if you're wondering where the man in black came from. Well, it was because YESTERDAY I was hopping around online for a filmmaker friend of mine that I met at the Flaherty Film Seminar (2 summers back) and there was an article regarding this awesome human being on Matador.. which I'd never heard of. But since my skills set didn't quite match what they were looking for (a traveler, with something to say, .. and probably organized, a skilled writer, and someone with time to read the various sorts of pieces that they publish)... I decided to move on.
So I came back! From outta' space!
Shalom *_^
PS, I found out that my name "Y'hoshua" is a combination of the name "Yahweh" and "Y'shua"... Ye'hoshua.. Joshua... which means "God is my salvation"/"God saves" and I think that is so stellar.